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New things to see.

damsel fish photo


Nothing much is new with me. Currently, there are a few things on my bucket list of things to do for this time of year as of 11/18/2023:

  1. Work
  2. School
  3. Pursuing some licenses/certificates
  4. Clean up the yard:
    • Cut down the plants, prepare for winter.
    • Clean up the fall leaves (this is an endless job as my neighbor's tree never stops shedding).
  5. Get Christmas yard decoration done. Plan to turn them on before Thanksgiving.
  6. Get the Christmas tree inside the house up, and Christmas music playing inside the house on before Thanksgiving.
  7. Do some Thanksgiving get together for the folks.
  8. Take some former work colleagues, co-workers out for lunch.
  9. Host a meeting/get together with the members of the Twin Cities Saltwater Marine Aquarium Society.
  10. And of course: Complete this website project. I would say it's near completion, or maybe completed. I only need to add a few minor touches to make it more 'compliant' for the grading. But same like my Christmas yard decoration, it might never be done if I still have the time to work on it. I might keep continuing on adding things here and there. Some of the features that it's still missing are the Search and the language accessibility. I might do that if I have the time.

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