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Welcome to my website!


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Hello! Please excuse the mess. This is still under development.

Last Updated: 12/2/2023 - In order to see correct changes and new functionalities of the page, remember to clear your browser cache if you've visited my site before. Otherwise, things might look a bit out of sort.

This website is created to serve as my final project for the Introduction to HTML/CSS course that I'm taking. It's coded manually straight out of HTML and CSS, and some JavaScript, to demonstrate the use of these web programming languages. I've applied what I've learned in class, things I extracted online, and ideas I pulled from the work websites (their color coding, their desire for a more interactive website, ...). I of course tweaked things a bit to make them work for me. With all of those combined, it's probably getting a bit too much.

All of the photos on here were taken by me. Due to time constraint, this website is still under development. I will continue to polish its details when time permits.

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