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... A few words about me.

about me

kp profile image

I'm a VIETNAMESE AMERICAN. I can speak both languages, Vietnamese and English. I usually cook rice at home but I survived through college by eating out at McDonald's.

pinwheel photo

I'm sort of an ENGINEER. I studied at the University of Minnesota and earned an engineering degree in Computer Science. Thus, beside other speaking languages, I have learned a few other programming ones like Fortran, Perl, Java, Javascript, C, C++ ...

I still am a STUDENT. Someone told me that this was my actual life long career. I'm currently taking some web programming courses at Saint Paul college. Hence, the creation of this website as my final project for the Introduction to HTML and CSS course that I'm taking.

I'm a COORDINATOR. I'm currently working as a coordinator at Child Care Aware of Minnesota, a nonprofit organization in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

us flag painting photo

I technically am a REALTOR as well. Yes, I do hold a real estate license and I'm a member of the Realtor association. I can sell your house .. if you let me!

I'm a GARDENER. I like to plant. My neighbors love my blooming flowers in the summer and they enjoy the vegetable I leave out for them during harvest time. Check out my garden photo gallery from the link above.

I'm a REEFER. I keep a saltwater reef tank. This keeps me entertained in the winter time when nothing is growing outside. I occasionally sell extra corals that I grow and use the money for charity work. Little things help? Check out my coral photo gallery from the link above.

puppy photo

I'm a DOG OWNER. I have a small Shih Tzu dog, if you call that a dog. She's about the size of a cat.

I'm a sort of ARTIST. I used whatever regular oil paint I had left from painting my outdoor bird houses to paint the painting above for the wall in the office. I call it 'my abstract art'. I don't think it's all that bad!

I'm a HANDYMAN. I can slap a few things together to make it work. See the the large pinwheel I made out of crap metal to put on the pine tree that I had chopped down in the photo on this page.

To be continue ...

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