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... A look at my garden.

peony intro photo

my garden

Welcome to my garden! Started off with a desert for the frontyard and a field of crabgrass for the backyard, I began my journey of hole diggings around the yard. Except a few annual plants, I plant mostly perennials where they come back after the winter year after year. Over the years, there have been changes. I started out with hundreds of rose bushes but after 3 - 4 years, they were gradually replaced by peonies of the tree, hybrid, and bush sorts, lilies and other perennials. The phlox has become the dominant plants in the garden as they are super hardly, and they multiply quickly. Beside the flowers for curb appeal, I also grow some vegetables every season, e.g. squash, cucumbers, tomatoes. Check out some of the photos I took around the yard below. Click on the button below to view a short video of the garden.

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